Love - 2020 collection

"There's such a sad love, deep in your eyes—a kind of pale jewel."* The Love - 2020 Collection is a tribute to the enduring beauty of love in a time when the world seemed to stand still. There is a quiet sadness in its presentation, echoing the challenges and losses faced in 2020. Yet, this collection reminds us of love’s resilience—a light that shines even in the darkest times.

From flowing veils and graceful capes to ethereal hair flowers and timeless earrings, each piece tells a story of romance that transcends boundaries. Set within the timeless interiors of historic mansions, the collection is a reflection of a world both shaken and resilient.

Let this collection remind you of love’s power to endure and to heal, even as “the world falls down.” Discover the Love - 2020 Collection, where beauty and strength intertwine, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

*quote from David Bowie's song As the World Falls Down from the movie Labytinth.